Let's talk about detox - Part Two

Let's talk about detox - Part Two

In my first post on detox, I cleared up some misconceptions about what the word ‘detox’ really means, and gave some practical pointers of how you can reduce your chemical exposure and reduce the burden on your body’s detoxification systems. Here in Part Two, I discuss effective ways you can support your body’s detoxification processes, without jumping on the detox tea bandwagon!

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Let's talk about detox - Part One

Let's talk about detox - Part One

Detox – it’s a bit of a buzz word in the health industry and it’s often thrown about by social media influencers, ‘health gurus’ and celebrities alike. Almost weekly we hear about a new detox tea, juice cleanse, ‘superfood’ or supplement. Its a vague term used in such a wide range of contexts and applications, its hard to know what people really mean when they use the ‘D’ word. This is exactly why before we jump aboard the Detox Train, we must ask ourselves, what does it really mean to detox and what are it’s benefits?

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